People, Place & Planet
Landscape, ecology, culture and people are embedded at the heart of everything we do. The Wye Valley River Festival CIC is committed to delivering excellence and providing the very best opportunities for everyone to engage with the arts, the environment, and their own creativity and expression.
We wish to inspire individuals, community groups and the professional artists and companies of the Wye Valley region. We bring renowned arts professionals to the region to co-create work. We deliver a biennial nationally-renowned arts and environment festival showcasing thought-provoking, responsive work in the outdoors.
We believe in building effective collaborations and creative partnerships with individuals, organisations, agencies and stakeholders in order to achieve shared goals. We foster strong relationships to enhance the regional knowledge bank for developing artistic excellence, offering opportunities to refresh artistic practice and environmental thinking. We are developing a year-round programme of community engagement, youth participation and local capacity building to strengthen the local cultural ecology.
Pobl, Planed a Lle
Mae tirwedd, ecoleg, diwylliant a phobl wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn. Mae Wye Valley River Festival CIC wedi ymrwymo i gyflawni rhagoriaeth a chreu’r cyfleoedd gorau posibl i bawb ymgysylltu â’r celfyddydau, yr amgylchedd, a’u creadigrwydd a mynegiant eu hunain.
Hoffem ysbrydoli unigolion, grwpiau cymunedol ac artistiaid a chwmnïau proffesiynol rhanbarth Dyffryn Gwy. Rydym yn denu gweithwyr celfyddydol proffesiynol adnabyddus i’r rhanbarth i greu gwaith ar y cyd. Rydym yn cynnal gŵyl gelfyddydol ac amgylcheddol, sy’n adnabyddus yn genedlaethol, bob yn ail flwyddyn gan arddangos gwaith ymatebol sy’n ysgogi meddwl yn yr awyr agored.
Credwn mewn creu cydweithrediadau effeithiol a phartneriaethau creadigol ag unigolion, sefydliadau, asiantaethau a rhanddeiliaid er mwyn cyrraedd nodau a rennir. Rydym yn meithrin perthnasoedd cryf i wella’r gronfa wybodaeth ranbarthol er mwyn datblygu rhagoriaeth artistig, gan gynnig cyfleoedd i adnewyddu ymarfer artistig a meddwl amgylcheddol. Rydym yn datblygu rhaglen blwyddyn gron o ymgysylltu cymunedol, cyfranogiad ieuenctid ac adeiladu capasiti lleol er mwyn cryfhau’r ecoleg ddiwylliannol leol.
Culture Declares
We are part of Culture Declares, a growing movement of individuals and organisations involved in arts and culture who are declaring a climate and ecological emergency. This means telling the truth, taking action and seeking justice.
As part of the 2022 Festival, we hosted work by Writers Rebel at Tintern Abbey as part of our residency there. You can see the film they made as part of the project, Almost Invisible Angels, on their website. We also hosted recordings of Letters to the Earth using vintage telephones that people could pick up to hear letters from people including Mark Rylance, Emma Thompson and Kae Tempest – what would your letter to the earth say?
Diwylliant yn Datgan
Rydym yn rhan o Ddiwylliant yn Datgan, mudiad sy’n tyfu o unigolion a sefydliadau sy’n ymwneud â’r celfyddydau a diwylliant sy’n datgan argyfwng hinsawdd ac ecolegol. Mae hyn yn golygu dweud y gwir, gweithredu a cheisio cyfiawnder.
Fel rhan o Ŵyl 2022, cynaliasom waith gan Writers Rebel yn Abaty Tyndyrn, fel rhan o’n preswyliad yno. Gallwch wylio’r ffilm a gynhyrchwyd ganddynt fel rhan o’r prosiect Almost Invisible Angels, ar eu gwefan. Buom hefyd yn lletya recordiadau Letters to the Earth gan ddefnyddio hen deleffonau y gallai pobl eu codi i glywed llythyron gan bobl fel Mark Rylance, Emma Thompson a Kae Tempest – beth fyddai yn eich llythyr chi at y ddaear?

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