Tintern Abbey Sound Exhibition
Daily 10am-5pm from Saturday 28th May to Sunday 5th June.
Discover the stunning Tintern Abbey and dive into a creative sound bath of seas, rivers and human history, created specifically for the festival and this amazing place. Inspired by the festival theme Human ⇋ Nature.
Take a dream journey through air, fresh water, and the ocean. Hear the dawn chorus within the grounds of Tintern Abbey before being carried by the waters of Afon Gwy to the North Atlantic. Swim with a hunting pod of Orca, surrounded by the songs of humpback whales in the Caribbean Sea.
Artists and Pieces:
Chris Watson & Tony Myatt – David Attenborough’s sound recordist brings a valley-filling immersive soundscape of ocean and river sounds. Join their walk to the bottom of the sea and back.
Rhys Trimble – has created a unique site responsive piece, transporting you to a bi-lingual poetic world of wild thinking, flights of fancy and historic characters. Walk the Abbey’s ancient paths to the sound of a new order.
Wild Rumpus – Letters to the Earth – Call up your chosen celebrity to hear their’ Letters to the Earth’. Sit at the vintage telephone tables, dial the number for Emma Thompson, Sam Lee or Jenny Ngugi and many others, listen, reflect, and let their words resonate. What might your letter to the earth say?
Soundbeam – Explore interactive sound making with the Soundbeam’s leading edge technology. Soundbeam offers everyone the opportunity to express themselves musically, regardless of their musical abilities or physical dexterities. Come play and make your own fleeting soundscape. Gaze and reflect on beautiful images in extraordinary drone footage of the Severn Estuary with mesmerising ambient music. Created by Adrian Price and Simon Preston.
Gaby Solly – Insects are Truly the Angels – hear Mark Rylance read a poem by Jay Griffiths as you view Gaby’s artwork, one of a growing series of Paint the Land performative works curated by the Writers Rebel Collective: a team of activists link writers with visual artists to create landscape graffitti with a powerful message in response to the climate emergency.
Simon Presto – Aural Symphony – This piece explores the interaction of humans with different aspects of nature’s aural symphony of sound – water, birds, weather, children, laughter.
Installations included in entry ticket to Tintern Abbey – available on the door or online at https://cadw.gov.wales/visit/places-to-visit/tintern-abbey
Free entry to Cadw members. Free entry to English Heritage or Historic Scotland renewal members (half price to new members).
Profwch seiniau a phrofiadau rhyngweithiol drwy adeilad trawiadol Abaty Tyndyrn. Ffoniwch un o’r enwogion i glywed eu ‘Llythyrau i’r Ddaear’, ewch ar daith sonig gyda’r bardd perfformio arbrofol, Rhys Trimble, neu ymlaciwch gyda synau’r cefnfor dwfn.
Mae artistiaid yn cynnwys:
Chris Watson a Tony Myatt – Mae recordydd sain David Attenborough yn cyflwyno seinwedd y byddwch yn ymgolli ynddi wrth i chi wrando ar synau’r cefnfor ac afonydd. Ymunwch â’u taith i waelod y môr ac yn ôl!
Barddoniaeth Perfformio Rhys Trimble – Lawrlwythwch y seinwedd a chrwydrwch drwy’r adeilad godidog hwn gyda’ch clustffonau. Cewch eich cludo i fyd barddonol dwyieithog arloesol y bardd!
Llythyrau i’r Ddaear – Oedwch eiliad a deialwch i glywed Llythyrau i’r Ddaear drwy glustffonau. Eisteddwch wrth y byrddau ffôn fintej, deialwch y rhif i ffonio Emma Thompson, Sam Lee neu Jenny Ngugi, rhowch y derbynnydd wrth eich clust a chaewch eich llygaid wrth i chi wrando, myfyrio, a chlywed eu lleisiau. Crëwyd gan Wild Rumpus.
Soundbeam – Gwnewch synau newydd anhygoel gyda’ch symudiadau gwyllt eich hun mewn pelydrau anweledig. Syllwch a myfyriwch ar ddelweddau hardd mewn ffilm drôn hynod o Aber Afon Hafren gyda cherddoriaeth hudolus yn y cefndir. Crëwyd gan Adrian Price a Simon Preston
Ar agor rhwng 10 a 5 bob dydd.
Gosodiadau wedi’u cynnwys yn y tocyn mynediad i Abaty Tyndyrn – ar gael wrth y drws neu ar-lein yn https://cadw.gov.wales/visit/places-to-visit/tintern-abbey
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