Steppin Sistas


May 29 2022


10:30 am

Steppin Sistas Sing Out!

Part of our Redbrook Revelry Day!

Walk the Hidden Valley sharing songs along the way with Vanessa Melody, a wonderful singer of Jamaican descent. We hope to grace the valley with sounds it may not have heard for many centuries! All women of colour welcome, just email Sophie at to confirm your place.

The coach leaves Bristol at 10am, or you can join at Redbrook Green at 11.30am.

Sophie Brown started Steppin Sistas because she was a passionate walker and trod paths other black women often felt uncomfortable going on alone. So she started a walking group to support her friends and family. The idea took off and has become a part of the Bristol cultural scene with guided walks every month, often accompanied by singing and a lot of laughter and adventuring.

Join the Steppin Sistas: