Shadows of Tintern
An excavation in light, sound and fire
A spectacular site-specific sound, projection and fire installation, inspired by time and place, to dazzle our eyes and startle our imaginations.
Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2024: 6.30pm – 10.30pm
Doors open at 6.30pm. Last entry 9pm. Families/groups welcome.
Tickets: £10.50 adults; £7 children (aged 5–17) & NUS; Family ticket £33. Under 5s free
Tickets available through Ticket source: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wye-valley-river-festival-cic/e-yemqlq
Access guide: click here
As the nights draw in and we head towards winter, we are pleased to be once again partnering with Cadw and Tintern Abbey to bring this unique site specific event to the Wye Valley.
An entertaining evening out for all ages, Shadows of Tintern offers a magical night in an outstanding setting. This is a rare chance to walk through the Abbey grounds after dark.
Wye Valley River Festival has commissioned lead artists Mark Anderson, in collaboration with Liam Walsh and Ulf Pedersen, alchemists of sound, light and space, to create this unique event.
Join us on the magical and evocative journey through this spectacular site-specific installation.
Delight in the Abbey grounds as your eyes are drawn to spaces less seen, listening to sounds typically unheard, in a place not usually accessible after dark.
Shadows will dance across walls, with projections bouncing on ancient stone, harmonic sound and light filling the space to evoke time- past, present and future.
Elements will collide within the Abbey walls with inspiration drawn from the meeting point between the natural, industrial and technological.
Ephemeral blue flames will rise into the night air, breathing life into this magnificent structure.
Mark Anderson is a visual sound artist and pyrotechnician. His compelling site specific temporary installations and performances, blend the spectacular with the subtle. His installations and performances are moving investigations into phenomena and perception that touch, surprise and amuse audiences both young and old.
In Shadows of Tintern you will witness his audio visual alchemy, using light, heat, vibrations, electricity, oscillating chemicals and paraphernalia to dazzle your eyes and startle your imaginations.
There will be delicious autumnal treats provided by local independent suppliers: spiced winter warmers, hot chocolate, tasty food and a bar.
Mark’s work has been shown at prestigious arts festivals in the UK and around the world, including Lumiere, Edinburgh Festival, Sydney Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Ten Days on the Island (Hobart, Tasmania), Wellington Festival, (NZ)Auckland Festival, (NZ) Latitude, Stockton Riverside Festival, Fire In The Mountain and many others, now including the Wye Valley River Festival.
Ulf Pedersen: Architectural in scale, Pedersen’s work transforms the act of looking into a physical experience. Through a kind of light-based alchemy, outdoor spaces metamorphose into something unique and magical.
Liam Walsh, sound artist working in kinetic sculpture, architectural lighting and immersive installations, has worked collaboratively with Mark and Ulf for the last 20 years on various projects such as Warning Notes, Enchanted Gardens and Furious Folly and has toured internationally with other productions such as Power Plant and For The Birds.
Tickets available through Ticket source https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wye-valley-river-festival-cic/e-yemqlq
Or click the QR code
Copi TERFYNOL ar gyfer gwefan WVRF
Cysgodion Tyndyrn
Cloddiad mewn golau, sain a thân
Gosodiad sain, taflunio a thân ysblennydd sy’n benodol i safle, wedi’i ysbrydoli gan amser a lle, i syfrdanu ein llygaid a dychryn ein dychymyg.
Dydd Gwener a dydd Sadwrn, 18–19 Hydref 2024: 6.30pm – 10.30pm
Drysau’n agor am 6.30pm. Mynediad olaf am 9pm. Croeso i deuluoedd/grwpiau.
Tocynnau: £10.50 i oedolion; £7 i blant (5–17 oed) ac UCM; Tocyn Teulu yn £33. Plant dan 5 oed am ddim
Tocynnau ar gael drwy TicketSource https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wye-valley-river-festival-cic/e-yemqlq
Access guide: click here
Wrth i’r nosweithiau gau amdanom a’r gaeaf agosáu, rydym yn falch o fod yn bartner unwaith eto gyda Cadw ac Abaty Tyndyrn i ddod â’r digwyddiad penodol i safle ac unigryw hwn i Ddyffryn Gwy.
Yn noson allan ddifyr i bob oed, mae Cysgodion Tyndyrn yn cynnig noson hudolus mewn lleoliad rhagorol. Dyma gyfle prin i gerdded drwy dir yr abaty ar ôl iddi dywyllu.
Mae Gŵyl Afon Dyffryn Gwy wedi comisiynu’r artist arweiniol, Mark Anderson, mewn cydweithrediad â Liam Walsh ac Ulf Pedersen, alcemyddion sain, golau a gofod, i greu’r digwyddiad unigryw hwn.
Ymunwch â ni ar y daith hudolus ac atgofus drwy’r gosodiad penodol i safle ac ysblennydd hwn.
Mwynhewch dir yr abaty wrth i’ch llygaid gael eu tynnu at fannau na chaiff eu gweld gymaint â hynny, gan wrando ar synau nas clywir fel arfer, mewn man nad yw gan amlaf yn hygyrch ar ôl iddi dywyllu.
Bydd cysgodion yn dawnsio ar draws waliau, gyda thafluniadau’n bownsio ar gerrig hynafol yr abaty, a sain harmonig a golau yn llenwi’r gofod i gyfleu amser – y gorffennol, y presennol a’r dyfodol.
Bydd elfennau’n gwrthdaro oddi mewn i furiau’r abaty, gyda’r cyfan wedi’i ysbrydoli gan y man lle mae’r naturiol, y diwydiannol a’r technolegol yn cyfarfod.
Bydd fflamau glas dros dro yn codi i awyr y nos, gan anadlu bywyd i’r strwythur godidog hwn.
Artist sain gweledol a phyrotechnegydd yw Mark Anderson. Mae ei osodiadau a pherfformiadau dros dro a phenodol i safle yn asio’r ysblennydd â’r cynnil.
Maen nhw’n ymchwiliadau symudol i ffenomenau a chanfyddiad sy’n cyffwrdd, yn synnu ac yn difyrru cynulleidfaoedd hen ac ifanc.
Yn Cysgodion Tyndyrn, cewch fod yn dyst i’w alcemi clyweledol, sy’n defnyddio golau, gwres, dirgryniadau, trydan, cemegau osgiladol a paraffernalia i syfrdanu’ch llygaid a dychryn eich dychymyg.
Bydd danteithion hydrefol blasus yn cael eu darparu gan gyflenwyr annibynnol lleol: cynheswyr gaeaf sbeislyd, siocled poeth, bwyd blasus a bar.
Mark’s work has been shown at prestigious arts festivals in the UK and around the world, including Lumiere, Edinburgh Festival, Sydney Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Ten Days on the Island (Hobart, Tasmania), Wellington Festival, (NZ)Auckland Festival, (NZ) Latitude, Stockton Riverside Festival, Fire In The Mountain and many others, now including the Wye Valley River Festival.
Ulf Pedersen: Architectural in scale, Pedersen’s work transforms the act of looking into a physical experience. Through a kind of light-based alchemy, outdoor spaces metamorphose into something unique and magical.
Liam Walsh, sound artist working in kinetic sculpture, architectural lighting and immersive installations, has worked collaboratively with Mark and Ulf for the last 20 years on various projects such as Warning Notes, Enchanted Gardens and Furious Folly and has toured internationally with other productions such as Power Plant and For The Birds.
Tocynnau ar gael trwy TicketSource https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wye-valley-river-festival-cic/e-yemqlq
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