2018’s theme was Woods and Trees, exploring how we nurture, manage, and re-wild our woods and forests. The festival ensemble told the story of King Sessile and his hunt for the mythical White Deer through the forests of the Wye.
Thema 2018 oedd Coed a Choedwigoedd, gan archwilio sut rydym yn tyfu, rheoli ac ail-wylltio ein coedwigoedd a’n fforestydd. Adroddodd ensemble yr ŵyl hanes y Brenin Sessile wrth iddo hela’r Ceirw Gwyn chwedlonol trwy goedwigoedd Dyffryn Gwy.
WVRF2018 attracted audiences of 32,500. 1,600 young people were engaged in workshop activities; 800 singers, musicians and community members participated in performances.
Denodd WVRF2018 gynulleidfa o 32,500. Cymerodd 1,600 o bobl ifanc ran mewn gweithgareddau gweithdai; cymerodd 800 o gantorion, cerddorion ac aelodau o’r gymuned ran mewn perfformiadau.

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