The first festival explored the theme of ‘Invasive Species’. It aimed to test ideas, concepts and possibilities, engage local communities, and develop partnerships for the future.
Roedd yr ŵyl gyntaf yn seiliedig ar y thema ‘Rhywogaethau Ymledol’. Ei nod oedd profi syniadau, cysyniadau a phosibiliadau, ymgysylltu â chymunedau lleol, a datblygu partneriaethau ar gyfer y dyfodol.
A theatrical narrative followed the hapless Water Vole, chased downstream by the wicked Mink, and culminated in ‘The River on Trial’ in the Shire Hall Assizes.
Mewn naratif theatrig dilynwyd Llygoden Bengron y Dŵr druenus, wrth iddi gael ei herlid i lawr yr afon gan y Minc drygionus, gan arwain at ‘Yr Afon yn Sefyll ei Phrawf’ ym Mrawdlys Neuadd y Sir.
WVRF2014 attracted audiences of 18,500 and engaged over 1,500 artists and participants. 150 people attended training sessions.
Denodd WVRF2014 gynulleidfaoedd o 18,500 ac ymgysylltodd â mwy na 1,500 o artistiaid a chyfranogwyr. Daeth 150 o bobl i’r sesiynau hyfforddi.

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